back 4 blood of the tunnel of terror DLC in the * new * tunnel (under 300) of no hope difficulty

I can get another medical kit yeah, I have one if you want to get those surprises we lost the pig yeah, there’s no way I’m getting out of that he pushed me into the fire there’s no way I’m getting out of that do that swarm players are out there yeah, I don’t think you can get me out of there give me permission maybe no, he died too fast well I didn’t, one more time, I’m out a little bit. – No, I don’t have anything else. – Sorry, I just.back 4 blood of the tunnel of terror DLC in the * new * tunnel (under 300) of no hope difficulty

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back 4 blood of the tunnel of terror DLC in the * new * tunnel (under 300) of no hope difficulty
.. You need to take a hot shower, that’s what you have to do back 4 blood’s first supplement just came out called Tunnel of Terror, what will you see here? This article is actually us going into one of the tunnels on hopeless difficulty, which is a new difficulty mode that comes with this update, and you’re going to see some new legendary weapons and get a feel for the beauty of the tunnels that you’re going to see Thanks to Warner Bros.
back 4 blood of the tunnel of terror DLC in the * new * tunnel (under 300) of no hope difficulty
Games and back 4 blood for sponsoring this article, and for sponsoring this video for us, which I won’t go into here. I think I’ve heard the inner levels, I bought three d fibs in the nade, give me one, absolutely not, you can ask nicely, Mr. rinser, that’s Mr.
back 4 blood of the tunnel of terror DLC in the * new * tunnel (under 300) of no hope difficulty
red, with 30 dungeons, I’ve heard the inner levels are close, they must be down there, oh, talk about 300 down there, we have armor, if I could make a project, oh no, that’s a terrible idea, the It really hurts, do you believe me? Can you believe I have 70 life points and that’s already critical health for the United States, but it sucks because you’re slowing down, yeah, care before it gets worse, I’ll wait for that wrench to reappear in front of you, well you’re wrong, you have to actually go your way, we have another snitch, you have to kill it because I just went ahead and did I didn’t see, he’s coming back, coming back, he’s got a funnel no, no, yeah, jump across to us, you can do it right back, back up, I can get this up I don’t think so, so he can get out of danger okay, I can use this, I’m not sleeping on a robot oh, give me your money, once we’re done oh, we’re doing this yeah, special delivery, let’s try this offer what do you think? I think this building is invincible man I mean unless the explorer puts me in the arcade I give up oh I can see the inner level to worry about traumatizing a bit yeah the inner level is right underneath us if we really just want to mess with it but there might be chests up there yeah yeah I agree with Wren’s strategy he can jump all the way up here through here to get the loot yeah back home yeah yeah I’m good I found something there it’s a witness I’m trying to catch it I’m running away it’s his leg just right leg let’s go you want my old barrett well I gave up the 50 mag size for just 25 trips maybe I thought yeah oh maybe I think that’s good now the market for trips oh yeah that doesn’t feel good I mean the way we really tested this so you can see I didn’t mark it we have 40 seconds, we can go to that room, here’s our room right there, where is that room, the room back there would blow my mind, okay, wherever it is, guide me, son, what are you talking about, we, I think, oh, we might have left the totem there, okay, oh, okay, maybe I can still put it. Look up, let’s see. – No, okay, let’s try.
back 4 blood of the tunnel of terror DLC in the * new * tunnel (under 300) of no hope difficulty
– Do you want to lose your copper? Not yet, there’s plenty of copper Maybe that’s why I want to leave that stumbling block in there God, I hate that, I could use it I never thought I’d do that when I was on the purple med team That’s hot, okay? Where is it? Let me just rip mine off! Yeah, no, oh, I just realized we can go back, now we can’t, I forgot to put no, I can’t, okay, where did the Belgian go, I need it, I want to move the weapon and stick it around, oh, that’s a purple parrot, oh, it’s okay, I’m a changed man, unless you want to use Plague as your sidearm. I can use the witness, that’s mine Okay, I can do that, no, I can use that too, I can pick up the witness and nail things from a distance, no need, let’s go Uh, put my eagle in, I’ll use the double sniper Oh, wait, no, you got the shredder, but I don’t have the trigger, come on, you can get the legendary mag or the legendary scope if you want If you want, that’s mine, look at the cop hold this yeah, give me the brass plate, I don’t need this, I’m going to the next room uh, the next room, we’re splitting up here’s a grenade, we got a minute yeah, I need this, I’m going to put the brass plate down, I can jump off are you interested? I don’t need the movement speed, so I don’t want to risk it here, it’s gonna take him a while to get back here [laughter] save it for me, um, thanks in a minute okay, funny thing is, Everest just restored our economy, it’s really good, can we move on?