Quarry” unveiling trailer (2022) 8K

I just want to get you guys out of here safely before the sun goes down.Quarry Damn, I thought I told you guys to check everything.
See, it’s not a big deal.
Okay, we’ll just stay here one more night.
No, no, come on, let me think.
Okay, make sure everyone’s at the lodge tonight, lock the doors, nobody comes in, nobody goes out. Okay, I’ll be back first thing in the morning and take you guys on the road if we party in the woods tonight and end up in the most dangerous situation, like people hunting people Yeah, I mean, think about it, camp is over, hunting season is just starting I saw a weird light in the tree house across the lake, it was weird Maybe it was your girlfriend Brian, damn it, it was prey, we should look, maybe it was a bear, why does everyone blame everything on bears Blame it on the bears, you got any ideas? Dancing Dracula Uh, Ryan, please run, something’s coming Three scared kids is bad for business, you gotta cut it out Maybe you can ease up on the ghost stories Sorry, just stick to Kumbaya next time Okay, what’s up, you guys don’t sing Kumbaya anymore Hey, my friend, welcome to the show.