Splatoon 3 has been delayed?

I’m Dada Savitudo and I want to tell you why Splatoon 3 is not delayed, despite the headline saying Splatoon 3 is delayed, yes I lied, now I got you guys clicking on the article, it’s time to listen, so why am I doing this, yes twitter is going a little crazy.Splatoon 3 has been delayed?

I will say that I haven’t lived here for the past few days, mostly because of this post, Nintendo of America is here to insert the name of the vast world of Xenoblade chronicles 3, earlier than expected, and now comes the Nintendo Switch on July 29th, and now a whole bunch of people have been speculating that Splatoon 3 I think, which could be a launch in July thing, but from this post it kind of makes it seem like, oh well, we have a big July game coming out, it’s Xenoblade chronicles 3 er coming in July, so what are we being told Splatoon 3 is coming out in the summer, so it can’t be coming out in May because that’s not summer and it can’t be coming out in June because we have another big game, Mario strikers, coming out then, and now we have a July game.
Splatoon 3 has been delayed?
We know that Xenoblade chronicles 3 will be a July game, so that makes you think that maybe Splatoon 3 will actually come out in August, or not any later, because then we’ll be in September, which is the fall.
Splatoon 3 has been delayed?
We’ve come to the conclusion that Splatoon 3 is going to be delayed and it’s going to come out in the winter, as you can see from this completely true post that was created by a guy named epi, and it’s true, I swear, so yeah, everybody’s kind of freaking out, and I think we should be okay, mainly because we were only told it was going to come out in the summer, and I think we should also keep in mind and realize that some of the stuff that Nintendo has posted out there, like the Splash 3 website says, oh my god, this game is coming out in the summer, so get ready for a summer launch, or basically any other post related to Splash 3 so it might come out in the summer, we just don’t know when, as far as the time frame, it still might come out in July, but probably in early July So it’s not like too close, so you just don’t have like two big games released back to back like so close together if you know what I mean then I personally don’t think we have anything to worry about, I think this whole thing is like oh Splatoon 3 is actually more likely to be delayed now because The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was delayed but I mean is, if you just think about it logically the team for Breath of the Wild and the team for Splatoon 3 are two different teams, so the Legend of Zelda delay makes absolutely no sense for Splatoon, they’re two different studios, so please die of that, so after that we can expect Splatoon 3 when it comes out, I think Splatoon 3 will come out if you ask me, I think it’s probably still early July, hopefully, and if not it’ll probably be in mid-August, those are my two guesses, at this point in time I don’t work for Nintendo at all, and some of you think I do, I don’t have inside information, I just I just got Splatoon 2 9 days early when it came out Splatoon 2, so I don’t work for them, stop asking me, I swear you streamers are a little bit crazy, but other than that, there’s definitely something we should probably expect to come out because Splatoon 3 is a huge game and there’s definitely something we should expect in the near future with Splatoon 1 and Splatoon 2 will follow suit, so you know there’s stuff like the Global Test Fire, which is a Splatoon demo, and there’s a Splatoon Direct, which we should also expect when it comes to the Direct, which is what I I’m trying to say, you don’t have to believe me, but this is coming from a known leaker who has gotten things right in the past, and some of you may have heard of Samus hunter, but back on January 31 they did mention some demos that we should expect in the coming months.
Splatoon 3 has been delayed?
Especially in the spring section, they mentioned Splatoon 3 direct because as you guys already know we’re already in April and May is the last month of spring so now we’re likely to get some information around that time and we’re crushing April now and May is right around the corner so and I think May is also a good time because the game is coming out in the summer and we barely know about the game and Splash 3 is the kind of game that needs to have its own direct marketing because you can’t explain the game.
Splatoon 3 has been delayed?