Splatoon 3 new trailer response – release date confirmed!!!

Did I just read that right, the new trailer release date, damn, I just got out of the shower, I just want to start streaming, but it’s coming, guys, yeah, I think we’re going to get right into it, the release gun, wait, will it be September, it’s switching places with Honolulu, man, I can’t even talk properly anymore, man, it’s 3 minutes and 50 seconds, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, I just hope you guys will see more content, I don’t know.Splatoon 3 new trailer response - release date confirmed!!!

I don’t know, I’m just gonna look at this, you guys can see, I’m right, that’s not the name of the card, these new weapons, oh, it looks slick, ready to go Yeah, try Suga on the top right, that’s the same song, oh, it’s just the viewing mode of the game, crap, do you see the soft weapons, it’s like a light Yeah, it’s a new one, there you go, it’s just a match Oh bubblegum all new set, well what a weapon the charger is, it’s a little stingray bride, do you see that? What is this?” Trickster”, this is Luigi’s mansion, what’s this?” Daring Bow”, this is “Spoiler”, guys, “Toxic Mist”, “Toxic Miss”, this is “Sweet Sweet”, let me see the castle, geez, this looks crazy, it looks great especially, “Trash”, let me see “Trash”, come on, they haven’t shown me “Trash” yet, what gear does “Trash” have, man, my dear Blast, it’s important you’re back in ’96 on the killer whale that’s Tenta Lister, no it’s Ink strike Tenta Mister, it’s Pink strike Jesus with a splash ball of mud oh my mud is safe, it’s a really good kit you can deal with it by knocking down the foam, it’s fun, what is it guys I can’t take this zip code anymore, it’s is one of the sickest ones out there, but you can get really creative with this thing, and Trump rules, I might come back, man, cleaner, we saw a lot of games, there’s a lot of stuff to analyze, there’s a spectator camera, you see the camera logo in the top left corner, these guys won, I like them, the animations look cute, early September, guys, we got it, now we can get ready Okay, Jesus Christ, that’s something else, I don’t know, there must be something on Twitter, there must be something on Twitter, yeah, everybody’s freaking out already, that’s a typo.
Splatoon 3 new trailer response - release date confirmed!!!
Come on Nintendo let me see what you got, man I feel like a kid again that was an hour ago, guys, I’m late, I’m late, that’s a tweet, that’s a tweet, that’s where the gameplay is, that’s it, now there’s definitely more, there’s definitely more, guys, three messages, that looks sick, that’s going to be my haircut, guys, this one, but All the new gear looks slick, Jesus Christ, look at them, look at them, yeah, new new pants, look, I look good The box design, damn, I mean Pufu did a um, like a version of their own box, it’s actually kind of close, isn’t it, but this one looks disgusting, do you see it? Yeah that’s too much for me, like that’s exactly what I want for the game, just the game, we got like a whole game of eight different weapons sub weapons special, geez guys release date in early September, that’s going to be the hype guys, probably have a beta fire, that’s less than five months away.
Splatoon 3 new trailer response - release date confirmed!!!
There’s probably going to be a big direct marketing campaign well, like they did last time, a dedicated Splatoon direct marketing campaign, split the same as last time, I think we got the test fire three months ago, so imagine we could be playing this game in two months guys, I’m going to analyze this crap in a minute, you won’t see me for a day or two, but, I want to thank you for reading This is too much for me to handle right now, but, yeah, see you guys later.
Splatoon 3 new trailer response - release date confirmed!!!

Splatoon 3 new trailer response - release date confirmed!!!