Splatoon 3 Release Date Revealed Full Explanation

At the 9 second mark of the trailer we get to see the really cool intro screen and I’m not really sure what these are but it looks like clan tags so I really hope we do have clans and Splatoon which would be super cool and what really got me thinking is look at the bottom right and look at these little ID tags that look like we have now except based on our why do we need these tags, if they’re not for clans, like if we don’t have a plan, if they’re not planned out, grouped and stuff like that, why can’t we just keep the normal naming system I I think we got clans here, which is super cool next at 18 seconds, we see BOOYAH in this way we see at 23 seconds, Splatoon Kit comes with a Suction Bomb and Trizooka, at 31 seconds, I just want to point out this adorable screaming squid on the wall, I love him, he’s my baby now, and we can see at 33 seconds that the 96 scale kit comes with a splash wall in orca 5.Splatoon 3 Release Date Revealed Full Explanation

1, we also see that the special charge time for Killer Whale 5 is about 180 minutes.
Splatoon 3 Release Date Revealed Full Explanation
At 39 seconds in the 96 gallon we can see a little modification to the splat icon, it looks a little more square than in the other games, the splattershot pro kit comes with a special name for torpedoes and crabs, I forgot at 47 seconds we can see what looks to be some modification to the torpedo as it flies incredibly fast compared to the one in Splatoon 2 .
Splatoon 3 Release Date Revealed Full Explanation
At 48 seconds, we can seem to see a new branding on the wall, if it’s not new, I’ve never seen it before, and at 57 seconds, we can actually see that the Chargers have their lasers, which is a race point here because I know that, uh, we’re trying to figure out if the Chargers really have their lasers, because in the Return of the Mammals trailer, there are no lasers on the Chargers, and At 1:4, we can see when somebody gets splattered with their name At 1:6, we can see this never-before-seen vacuum stunt that has 220 points of charge time, and at 106, the Charger kit has splatter bombs in the new vacuum stunt, and at 112 to 121, we can see that the vacuum stunt sucks up the ink that the enemy throws at it, and when the stunt ends, you shoot A big explosion of ink, which sounds really cool, and at 123, we can see the ink bow has toxic fog in orca 5.
Splatoon 3 Release Date Revealed Full Explanation
1 at about 125 we actually see the ink bow recharge one round and then the other two little rounds are on top 132 we can actually see the octopus brush with the suction bomb and the zipper thrower, the zipper thrower and the octopus brush sounds like a beautiful combination that can’t be abused in any way, at 1:34 we can actually see the zipper if you didn’t know it before, it used to be and inkjet printer like placeholder, which shows that we’ve done more development here and we actually have a unique icon, so at about 152 we can see that the big missile of the crab doesn’t kill in one hit, which is nice.
Splatoon 3 Release Date Revealed Full Explanation
At about 212 we see this new three piece missile that charges up for a second and then there’s a little explosion and I’m wondering if that’s a submarine or if it’s actually part of the main attack on the bow and at 2:15 you can actually see some of the speakers from the Orca 5. In 217 you can see the speakers split into two groups and in 219 we see the Sloshes kit is splat bombs and the damn ink attacks are back and let’s go from 219 to about 222 and the new ink attacks work in like small size balls that you throw at your target and you have four of these little balls that you throw at your target until the special runs out and I like Like four little attacks but I don’t like that you can’t send it anywhere on the map but honestly I think it’s a good deal. From 2:34 to 2:36, based on the way the Merc shoots the big bubble, the big bubble does get popped unless the person playing the Merc is stupid and they just do it for no reason, so at 237 to 238, we can see that the bow does have charged shots that can fire after a delay, it’s just another shot pattern for this bow and they’re really trying to stack a bunch of abilities on the bow that At 2 45, I have a little observation that when the souls fly up, the octopus eyes are yellow, like Octavio’s octopus, I wonder what’s going on here, and at 3 26, I think little Judd got a little bit of a sunburn, and I think at 331, the victory screen is now littered with graffiti, and it looks great at 333, we can see that we’re now in Splatoon has medals in it, I don’t know if you just get these things that can be seen