
Extra BaggagExtra BaggagIncrease the item slots available in your inventory.Other10000
Recipe:Shotgun AmmoRecipe:Shotgun AmmoLearn how to make shotgun ammo using the CRAFTING menu.Recipe3000
Recipe:Sniper Rifle AmmoRecipe:Sniper Rifle AmmoLearn how to make sniper rifle ammo using the CRATING menu.Recipe4000
Chem FluidChem Fluiduse to craft ammo and first aidOther
GunpowerGunpowerCombine with Chem Fluid to craft ammoOther
First Aid MedFirst Aid MedMedicine that fully heals all wounds. Closes gashes and acts as a clotting agent while restoring function to damaged systems.Healing1000
herbHerbMedicine that heals playerHealing