The Hound Wolf Squad


The Hound Wolf Squad (ハウンドウルフ隊) is an elite group led by Chris Redfield that plays an important role in Resident Evil: Village. Their mission is to kill Mother Miranda and her henchmen, and save Ethan, Mia and Rose.

Team Introduction:

The number of people on this team is very small. With Chris included, there are only six people. But most of these people are the best of the best. Although they nominally cooperate with BSAA, they are actually arogue team that only serves Chris. That‘s why they were so cynical when they saw BSAA. But they also didn‘t expect BSAA to have such a situation.

Although the number is small, but in Resident Evil village, they caused many problems for Mother Miranda. In the plot there is a report mentioned them. Miranda said clearly, an unidentified armed group came to the village, and this group caused a lot of problems.This is why in the game, our Ethan will encounter Chris and his squad, because Chris is also fighting with werewolves all the way.

The members of the squad are also very clearly divided into snipers, dog trainers and machine gunners, communications and commanders  Chris.

Team’s Establishment

In 2018, The Hound Wolf Squad were formed by Chris shortly after the “Dewey Incident,” a reference to the events that took place in Dewey, Louisiana during Resident Evil VII: Biohazard.

They are highly trained in dealing with dangerous viruses and other biological hazards. The squad is equipped with the latest in technology and weaponry, and is prepared to face any challenge. Their skills and expertise make them invaluable in the fight against biological hazards.

Main Events

Resident Evil VII: Biohazard

With the BSAA covering up the Dewey Incident, Chris formed the Wolfhunters to try to correct their earlier failures.

Resident Evil: village

Before February 8th, Keeping an eye on Miranda.

The night of February 8th, Breaks into Ethan’s house and shoots Miranda, who is pretending to be Mia.

Early morning of Feb 9th, Search for Ethan in the village.

Noon of Feb 9th, Set up a temporary bases in church to search for information and analyze data,Afternoon find Ethan in the reservoir,after preliminary analysis, the mold data were obtained,At dusk, the fungus that caused the mutation of the villagers was found in the middle of the village.

February 9th night, Hoofed it to the Heisenberg factory to find evidence, then blew up the factory while Ethan and Heisenberg were fighting.

February 10th early morning, Melee with werewolves and BSAA in the village,Then blasting the roots of the tree,Go underground and blast the fungus master,

Weapons and Equipment

From left to right: Umber Eyes, a veteran sniper; Canine, a young dog handler; Lobo, machine gunner; Night Howl, communications; and Tundra, former undercover agent for the DEA.

Wolf Hunt Squad is a tactical squad with some of the top military hardware in the Resident Evil universe.

All members of the squad, except Chris, wore various types of shirts, pants and shoes, as well as black coats, tan or camouflage tactical undershirts, holsters, knee pads and tan Ops Core FAST XP High Cut helmets or (in Tundra’s case) black Ops Core Skull Mounting Systems. each member had a set of L3 GPNVG-18 four-barrel panoramic night vision goggles mounted on their headgear, as well as an Ops Core AMP communications headset and video camera.

For transportation, the squad primarily uses black Toyota Helax pickup trucks that have been modified for off-road use. In addition, they used a black Dodge Tradesman van to transport Ethan and Rosemary from their safe house after the assassination attempt on Miranda (then disguised as Mia). To escape the village before it was detonated by N2 explosives, the squad used a V-22 Osprey tilt-flyer.

Team Members:

This is the first time Chris’ elite squad has appeared in the Resident Evil universe. They were formed to hunt werewolves, hence the name The Hound Wolf Squad.



Chris Redfield – Team Leader or “Alpha”

One of the main characters of the Resident Evil series





Charlie Graham – Night Howl
BSAA Member, communications





John Perlman – Lobo
BSAA Member,machine gunner
As the name suggests, his hair is silver.






Emily Berkhoff – Tundra
BSAA Member, a former undercover agent for the Drug

She was in the Mojave Desert shortly before she was called to the village



Dion Wilson – Canine
BSAA Member, a young dog handler
Took down a BSAA B.O.W.





Rolando Elba – Umber Eyes
BSAA Member, a veteran sniper
Spying on the village and Miranda’s every move



Current Status

After the village incident, All members of the Hound Wolf Squad survived, They are on their way to the European headquarters